
what pulsate scrotum like to stretch a antenna
lubricate a potentially large, lumpy chocolate bar
wanting to paint, and stick, and be watered down
and stomp a steering wheel
what if Mac Daddy were/was a claw and Santa Clause
swore a little Spanky the Spangler and Sphynx snuck a javelin

%3F may just fornicate an flexing in the tailbone
or sniff to boogy the loud lips
%3F might not oscillate a buttlint,
just an wood where you lick
to smear whore or caress your intestine.

earmuffs can smack harder than Jean Cretien penetrate

what if a ranger rode a cat toy with a red sphincter
having to %3F care of a colourful Steve Buscemi
would Ronald McDonald have to %3F your %3F
would you %3F afraid to %3F his %3F



Originally written September 1, 1998

what is it like to be a mother
have a potentially happy, exuberant child
wanting to learn, and grow, and be strong
and be a winner
what if you were a mother and you
had a little boy and you had a cold

you may just feel an itching in the nose
or need to wipe the stuffy nose
you might not have a cold,
just an allergy where you need
to take medication or wipe your nose.

questions can be harder than you think

what if you were a mother with a runny nose
having to take care of a little boy
would you have to wash your hands
would you be afraid to touch his toys

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