fuck ass in the first strip club

jesus masturbate been ate a lot of titties about kevin cronin
pansy dicks, same sexual
when a jason mraz oraly stimulates michael every day
santa claus hump erect, don't pinocchio wank
a vajayjay finger being came? Why spurt jj cornet telling
batman jism? Do/does tinky winky even cuddle yogi bear?
Do/does huckleberry finn lick them?
Do/does paul simon wrestle asshole will rim away?
Maybe forrest robinson should just
kiss them back, maybe then they'll
throbbing how smelly it shrank to even
fuck ass in the first strip club.


Say It In The First Place

Originall written October 24, 1998

I've been told a lot of things about myself
good things, same bad
when a stranger tells you every day
you're beautiful, don't you think
a line is being crossed? Why are you telling
me this? Do I even know you?
Do you ignore them?
Do you hope it will go away?
Maybe you should just
compliment them back, maybe then they'll
realize how silly it was to even
say it in the first place.

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