And It Was Hairy

One Parrot that I thought was kind of Scary
was that when Gary and Mary and
Berry came into fairway
the Berry, the airplane, he cheered to go tearing
even though it was noon
and you were not supposed to share then

and I had not been in the carrot
yet, at least not this week,
so I thought pairing at night would be
a cheerful reason to happily dare wearing
so I cheered

and it was Hairy


And It Was Fun

One thing that I thought was kind of cool
was that when my sister and her husband and
son came into town
the son, my nephew, he wanted to go swimming
even though it was night time
and you were not supposed to swim then

and I had not been in the pool
yet, at least not this week,
so I thought swimming at night would be
a good reason to actually go
so I did

and it was fun

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